Installing GATHODE and CATHODE from source


To install GATHODE and CATHODE from source, you will need to install its dependencies. These are

You also need to install the pip Python package installer (often included in a Python distribution) unless you are a proficient Python developer.


On Debian (version 7 wheezy and 8 jessie) and Ubuntu (version 12.04 and 14.04), install the dependencies with the following command (being root or using sudo)

apt-get install python-qt4 python-sip python-scipy python-matplotlib python-pip

On Fedora (release heisenbug), install the dependencies like this

yum -y install python-pip PyQt4 sip scipy python-matplotlib-qt4

Then you should be able to install the python package with

pip install

If you don’t have root permissions, follow the instructions below using a virtual environment.


One option to install Python and all the required dependencies is to use MacPorts. Install it and run

port install py27-pyqt4-devel py27-matplotlib py27-scipy

and then

pip install


Python(x,y) includes all the required dependencies. Install it and run from Command Prompt (cmd.exe)

pip install

Virtual environments

If you would like to use a virtual environment to isolate this software’s dependencies, you will still need to install Python and PyQt (including sip), see above. Then set up the virtual environment with

virtualenv ATHODEs
source ATHODEs/bin/activate

PyQt, the graphical user interface library used by this program, can not be installed with standard Python tools. To install it in your virtual environment, follow e.g. this procedure.

Then you should be able to install the gathode package with

pip install