In this chapter the mathematical formulas used by GATHODE are explained.
To correct for the optical density of the growth medium, throughout the experiment some wells are filled with the pure growth medium (i.e. not inoculated with cells). The arithmetic mean of the raw readout of the optical density for each point in time, denoted by , is used as a background reference:
For each well i, the background-corrected optical density is given by
The high density correction is needed to correct for nonlinearities of the background-corrected optical density () versus the real optical density (). This nonlinearity is approximated by a cubic formula, for which the three parameters a1, a2 and a3 define the coefficients:
To extract the maximal growth rate, a fit of an exponential function to the data is required. Since the data does not exhibit an exponential form on a large scale, the fit is performed piecewise for small intervals of w data points (see Fit window):
In principle the maximal growth rate can then be determined as the maximal and the corresponding lag time can be calculated as the intersection of the exponential function with the value of the Lag at parameter. Note that only those values are considered for which the is greater than the log(OD) cutoff.
To mitigate the effect of noisy data, the program requires some criteria to be fulfilled:
Further, GATHODE allows to manually adjust the interval within which the time of the maximal growth rate should fall (see Maximal growth cutoff). If such an interval is specified, the location of must not be at the endpoints of the interval, as this would mean a local maximum could not be found.
This strict requirement of a local maximum can be loosened by setting the parameter allow at cutoff, which mathematically means that the derivative to of may be non-zero.
The growth yield is determined by performing a linear regression within a small fit window around each data point and finding the maximal with a slope that is compatible with zero.
To mitigate the effect of noisy data, the linear regression is performed on smoothed and the following criteria need to be fulfilled:
The strict requirement of the slope being compatible with zero can be loosened by setting the parameter allow n standard errors.